How to prepare a phenomenal <strong>engagement</strong>?

How to prepare a phenomenal engagement?

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Engagement is an extremely important day in every couple’s life. We would like it to be a special and memorable moment. Our partners deserve the best and this is the perfect opportunity to prove it to them. Organize a phenomenal engagement and make this one moment stay with you for the rest of your lives. Someday you’ll be telling your grandchildren about it!

A unique solution for a unique woman

When preparing an extraordinary engagement, the first thing to do is to go to a jeweler. Although diamonds, rubies or emeralds come to mind, engagement rings with zirconia are a classic tried and tested by millions of couples, which will delight your chosen one with its simplicity and elegance. Titanium, yellow gold and zircons is an original combination, perfect for every fan of modern solutions in favourite jewelry. It will compose perfectly with everyday jeans, an outfit jacket or a festive dress, which your future bride will surely appreciate.

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The right outfit

Special occasions deserve a special closet, so it’s a good idea to stock your closet with new clothes before you decide to get down on one knee in front of the one of your heart’s desire. Luckily, men’s shirts are such a broad topic and the available assortment is so extensive that you can easily match the right pattern, cut and material to the whole engagement – the circumstances, the weather, the place and your personal preferences. If you feel like you’re in a white shirt for your high school graduation, you don’t have to force yourself. Bold colors, pastel hues, classic cuts, short and long sleeves. There are so many possibilities that choosing an outfit that best reflects your personality won’t be a challenge, and your partner will undoubtedly notice the change in your closet

Your innermost desires

A phenomenal engagement is one that means a lot just for you. That is why do not be afraid when you think you have not done enough. You are the one who knows your partner best, so you know best what will really make her happy. It doesn’t always have to be an engagement party for dozens of people or a trip to an exotic destination. Sometimes it is enough to go to your favorite restaurant, buy a large bouquet of flowers, or maybe prepare dinner yourself, putting all your heart in preparing the food. A simple poem about love will be remembered longer than the most elaborate gift if you say it sincerely. The most important thing is that you both remember this moment for many years to come – who knows if such a seemingly trivial thing as a love poem will be the thing you will tell your children about, not to mention the wedding toast!

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Engagement in the open air – impossible?

The ring is chosen, the shirt is bought, the flowers are ordered and you have to decide where to ask the most important question of your life? Spring is coming, nature is awakening to life, and the circumstances of nature definitely awaken the feeling of love in us. But what if masks don’t seem particularly romantic to you? This doesn’t mean you have to give up on an outdoor engagement. Consider getting engaged in your own garden, on a terrace or balcony. The warm sunshine will bring a smile to your chosen one’s face and the stars in the night sky will make the moment special. Remember that not every woman will be happy to propose in a restaurant full of people, which is so popular in romantic movies. It often involves stress, which you may not be the only one to feel while waiting for a loud “YES!”. Take advantage not only of the increasingly nice weather, but also of the fact that the familiar surroundings will make it easier for you to button everything up. Lead your beloved through a surprise walk around the house, which will end with the biggest surprise of all – outdoors.

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