Citrus trees at home – cultivation and care

Citrus trees at home – cultivation and care

Garden de luxe
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Growing citrus trees at home is very popular. They are an excellent alternative to the popular potted flowers. 

Citrus trees at home are increasingly popular. They look beautiful, even if they do not bear fruit. Unfortunately, many people, seeing them in the store, decide to buy them, but do not know how to grow them. There is a belief that it is enough to water them, just like regular potted flowers. This is a mistake. This is why very often a few months after bringing the trees home, the plant will wither or wilt. Deciding to grow such a tree – you need to know how to take care of it.

The most important thing is the ground

Good soil is the basis when it comes to a citrus tree. You should not use universal soil for flowers, which is also a common mistake. At the bottom of a large pot it is necessary to pour a drainage layer. Hydrogel or perlite will work well. In some stores you can also find a special substrate designed for citrus. The soil for growing the tree must have a slightly acidic reaction, be well-drained and moderately fertile.

Where to set the tree?

Citrus trees should be set in a place where they will have access to light. However, exposing them directly to the sun is detrimental, as the leaves can burn. The best place will be windowsills on the east or west side of the house.

How to water citrus?

Another important issue – watering. And here is where the problem begins, because citrus trees have it that they do not like either excess water or excessive dryness. Therefore, it is important that the ground is moist all the time, but not too much. Once in a while, instead of watering, you can use a sprinkler. During summer sunny days, the tree should be watered every day. In winter, it is watered much less often. 

And what kind of water to use? The best is boiled water. In the case of tap water, you need to set it aside for 24 hours. 

What to fertilize the tree with?

Trees should be fertilized moderately, with special products available in specialized stores. Shrub fertilizers and multi-component liquid fertilizers will work well. If you notice that the leaves of the tree have light discoloration, it is a sign that it is necessary to apply foliar fertilization.

Do they need to be pruned?

Domestic citrus is worth, and even should be pruned and shaped Such a procedure, however, should be used only in the spring, then you can shorten individual shoots, removing the weaker and diseased ones. This will make the plant grow and fruit much better.

How to prevent diseases and fungi?

The most common cause of the appearance of fungi and diseases is overwatering the plant. How can you tell if you are watering the tree too much? The leaves have thickened and begin to turn yellow. In turn, the browning of the tips of the leaves can indicate that the humidity is too low, in which case it is worth getting a sprinkler.

A problem that citrus owners often face are aphids and spider mites. That’s why it’s a good idea to splash the tree with plant manures from time to time, and if the problem has already appeared, you can use special chemicals or gray soap. 

main photo: Porzi

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